"To do not care for the child": Dana Borisova was outraged from the rest of the Volochkova in Turkey


The 44-year-old TV presenter Dana Borisov again unforeed to his long-standing opponent - Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. It became known that on vacation, the dancer went to Turkey. The star assured her fans that she flew to the resort in the company of his beloved, which hides from the public, is confident that Volochkova Lukavit.

"Anastasia went to the animator to Turkey, because she was allowed to feed himself on a halav. She carefully did not care, her child went to school or did not go, "Borisov shared.

In her opinion, the former prima of the Bolshoi Theater was at home for a long time, so I could not refuse to deny everything in the system "all inclusive." The TV presenter hinted and that Anastasia could not refrain from alcohol, resting on the Turkish coast.

"She has a red-brick face - this is a sign of an alcoholic. I put it alcoholism on the shelves, and it infuriates her most, "he frank himself in the show" You will not believe! " on the NTV channel.

We will remind, Borisov with special addiction monitors changes in the appearance of the ballerina. It shares the results of his observations with journalists, insisting that the ballerina is abuse of "hard" drinks. The dancer accused the telestile in slander and appealed to the court.

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