"Evil admiralty aunt": Volochkova appealed to Heites


Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova has long closed comments in its Instagram account, but wishing to express their dislike for the artist, apparently find other ways. Criticism and reproaches before joined the artist that she decided to dedicate Heites a separate post in his blog.

Volochkova published a video of how the vertical twine on board the yacht during the sea walk. She stated that one wave of his feet could dissect all the peres, so that there were no trace left. Ballerina does not take to the heart of gossip, instead more attention paying for admiration for fans and children's love. The actress used rather strong expressions to those who criticize it.

"The flawlessness of the infirmity of adult and unfortunate people is pity ... Understand, expensive, no matter how elbows are biting from envy, who have enough time to explode their bile, I have already entered the history of Russia as Russian Ballerina. And this fact is undeniable, sorry. And I am very proud of this fact, "Anastasia wrote.

Volochkova asked her critics to appreciate their own achievements and compare with its success. According to the ballerina, many Heyters have long been racing corn, discussing it, and Volochkova herself at that time did his beloved affair and made a career.

"I think corn in the languages ​​of the belliers is much urgent than grated corn on my footsteps," the artist concluded.

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