"In the hands of a loved one": Anastasia Volochkova chose an unexpected place for twine


The twine of Anastasia Volochkova has already become a practically an Internet meme and a ballerina's business card. In any place and at any time, Anastasia is ready to demonstrate those surrounding his incredible stretching and long legs. They did not have time to recover from the photo of Nastya in the underwear, and after and in the "idhhyander costume", as she again reminded everyone about her branded chicke.

This time Anastasia managed to "combo": she boasted not only twine, but also his beloved man. Thus, the Volochkova turned out to be perfectly combining the two things that she loves most in his life. "Weekend support. In the hands of a beloved always reliably, "so modestly Anastasia signed her photo in Instagram. Recently, it closes his blog from comments, so the thoughts of subscribers on this topic remained a mystery.

New love Volochkova is a real "Mr. X", although the ballerina prefers to call the beloved "Mr. M". Nastya does not show his faces anywhere, leaving subscribers the right to admire the ground with the rear or individual parts of his body. Instadiva admitted that he was going to marry him, but suddenly bursting a pandemic confused all the plans in love. So far, everything that is known about the new Pasia Volochkova is what the guy has a strong back and strong hands.

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