Anastasia Volochkova replied why it is constantly taken off in the photo


The readers of the publication turned to the Volley with a number of issues to which she gave different answers to the degree of frankness. That's what the star declared when she was asked why she was offended by photo: "Why don't you pay attention to others? Look at the rest and poke your finger who has not done the like yet. Fortunately, I have a great form, because I constantly follow it. What to be shy? ".

Anastasia Volochkova replied why it is constantly taken off in the photo 85060_1

Anastasia also honestly replied that he left the Bolshoi Theater due to the fault of an influential person with whom he broke up at that time. Then the ballerina met with the entrepreneur and the politician Suleyman Kerimov, about the novel with whom he mentioned in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak. About the former girlfriend Volochkov also asked: "Who won?". "There are no triumphars or losers. This is a story about decency and unscrupiance, mental qualities and upbringing, "the star judged.

Anastasia categorically stated that it is possible to get on her bed only by love, but you can just buy a ticket. At the same time, a man to conquer her, you just need to be a man: attentive, devoted and loving.

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