Choose your zodiac sign, and we will tell how good mom will you



Mama-Aries will never lose its self-identification and will not get in a home routine, regardless of how much children have. Rising them, she will not take care of its development and will be constantly self-improvement and receive additional knowledge.

Mama-Aries teaches his children to be independent and confident. It is not the most sensitive and tender, but always protects his children and will rise on their side. For Mom-Aries, the word "no" means "no". She does not be grit and not suckling. With each other and children establishes authoritarian borders. She seeks her child to be the best in everything.

Mom Taurus

Women Tales - personification of the house and family. For their children, they seek to create the safest and most comfortable conditions. This is Mama Culk, Khuchping and Cherling His Chickens. She always knows what her child wants. Mom-Taurus loves to cook and does not regret the forces and time in order to please their family with unusual dishes. She introduces their children to cooking - they begin to prepare themselves early.

Mom-Taurus loves nature and playing outdoors.

Sometimes it is too stubborn and does not compromise. During this period, it does not exist for it "if" and "possibly". But in general, it is a first-class and caring mother.


Mama-twin even at the age remains light and playful. She knows how to entertain her children unexpected surprises and invent interesting classes and hobbies for them. Mama-twin shows interest in the world, holds its research, collects information and every day is aware of what is happening in the world. You can talk to any youth themes! Besides, she loves the social network!

Very often, the twins are early become mothers and do not always understand what responsibility lay on their shoulders. Therefore, such a mother refers to his child as a friend and behaves accordingly.


Cancer is a sign of classical femininity, as it controls the moon. Among all the signs of the zodiac, this mother has the highest maternal instinct coefficient. From the early years, the girls-cancer dream of becoming mothers. Family for female cancers means absolutely everything! They live home and concern about their native people. Mama-cancer constantly photographs his children and shows all their lovely photos.

She is very sensitive and waits for caressing and warmth from their households. Mama-cancer does everything to protect children from the cruelty of the world. It can be overly caring and even powerful. Very often creates a family relationship in the family. From this, children seem to be the love of their mom-cancer looks like a compressive ring.

Choose your zodiac sign, and we will tell how good mom will you 85231_1


Mama-Lev is the most active, affectionate and spectacular mother from the entire zodiac family. She having fun with her children, because he herself feels like a child. Mama-Lev is an excellent friend and comrades! She seeks to develop creative skills and talents in her child. This is an incredibly positive mother, maintaining self-confidence and calm. She puts her children to the pedestal, but herself loves to be the center of attention.

Sometimes mom-lion has too much pressure on children, it begins to compete with them and fuss his nose in all their affairs. Whenever an unpleasant problem arises, it takes over her decision and fearlessly goes to a victorious end.


Mama-Virgo is a walking database of parental information. She knows how to create a structure in the life of his children so that they felt in the greatest security. This mom is a supporter of the head. She brings up the right habits in children and follows each step.

Since Mama-Virgo Perfectionism, her children sometimes feel that they do everything is not good. She is the Queen of the organization of everyday home affairs. It all goes according to plan and schedule. She does not hesitate to indicate the flaws of her child and often criticizes it. If Mama-Virgo goes too far, attention will lose their children who will be tired of her permanent edges and whining.


Mama-scales is the most patient. She pays attention to every little things connected with her children. In the house of such a mother reigns a calm and peace-loving situation. The motto of her family: "Everything will be fine!" Mama-scales have a shared taste in art, music and fashion. She is polite and cultural. Real Lady!

Its disadvantage in raising children is indecisive and inability to attract children to home duties. It is too soft, then incredibly demanding. With such a "swing", children are lost and do not understand what she wants from them. Instead of sending a child to studying English or Chinese, which are the most common and practical, it will choose French - just because it sounds more beautifully.

Since mom-scales hates conflicts, it does not always be able to keep the situation under control and allows children too much, fearing that they will be angry with her.


Mom-Scorpio is very strong and energetic. She has a clear and concise speech - the children listen to her when she says. Mom-Scorpio - commander and family leader. Constantly requires attention and respect. It has a strong sense of power and in upbringing uses all levers of exposure.

This mother loves his children with a frequent way, which can prevent the development of independence and self-confidence in them.

Since scorpions flow into emotional extremes, its psychological reactions will be hot and cold. In one minute, she laughs and carelessly plays with his children, and then hesitantly wants to be alone, because she has more important things. It gives her moral discomfort.


Mom-Sagittarius lives for adventure and excitement. She is not an 80 level housewife, and households are not important for her. It is important for her that every day for her children was interesting and memorable. Mom-Sagittarius constantly expands his horizons, it is interested in philosophy and other cultures. She raises his children in the same spirit.

She is a democratic mother. The friends of her children are often going to her house. This mother is an incorrigible optimist who believes that the world is a country of miracles. She is an amateur travel and rivets on nature. Sometimes Mama-Sagittarius tends to complicate situations and panic without much reasons. And she does not always watch his speech and allows themselves to say the scubinless words.

Mama Capricorn.

Women-Capricorn - patterns of dignity. This valuable quality they transmit to their daughters. In his house, such a mother is an example of calm and stability. Sometimes she takes on the role of father of the family.

Frequently, Mama Capricorn is too serious and demanding when it comes to raising children. All because she herself matured too early. You can not say about it - "Warm Mom". Yes, it is stronger, restrained and sometimes even cold. It has a sense of debt and maternal authoritarianism.

Among other things, she teaches children to respect not only her, but also around. Mama Capricorn wants to make his children the most happy in the world.

Mama Aquarius

Aquarius is an innovative mother that shares the interests of their children. To become a close friend and like-minded person, she follows youth news and knows how to talk on slang teenagers. And it is cool!

She is independent and wants her children to be the same. Mama Aquarius is an example for imitation. But this mom is trying to fly in childhood, which negatively affects its authority. Children do not always listen to her and execute requests. Since this zodiac sign is managed by uranium, Mama-Aquarius can be unpredictable, and it makes her children feel unsafe.

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Mom Fish

Fish - Mom with a golden heart. It possesses everyday wisdom and rationality. Mama-fish patient and knows how to listen, and in matters of education of children is one of the important conditions. Mama fish is very creative, she loves poetry, art and music. These tastes she vaccinates their children.

Fish is the most sensitive zodiac representative. Mama-fish tends to exaggerate emotions and thus makes others feel guilty. In such situations, her children fall. But for the sake of them, she is ready for everything and embodies all their dreams and desires.

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