Name the sign of the zodiac of your man, and we say whether he wants to marry


Waiting from a man's sentences and hearts, perhaps the most important moment in the life of every woman. Someone from the contenders for the role of her husband talks about his desire to openly, others frankly "pull the rubber" and do not show any signs of the prospect of living together. How to understand, wants to marry or not? Speak his zodiac sign, and we will tell you the whole truth.


Perhaps a lot of time will pass before the man-Aries will call you under the crown. But when this guy is open and will voluntarily show this desire - this will mean that he morally matured to the grandiose life stage. However, do not be surprised if your Aries after the wedding becomes flirt with other women.

His good intentions, dedication and love for you are absolutely sincere, just he needs a mental confidence that he is not "trapped" and is still on freedom. Do not hold it on a leash, and then he will not try to escape.


When a male Taurus is aware that he is ready to marry, he is easy and just make you an offer. Family and marriage are the first positions in the list of his life priorities. You're lucky, because Taurus is the most caring and sensitive husband on earth!

During the candidate-bought period and serious courtesies, expect countless gifts and cute signs of attention from it - this person will pamper you until the engagement ring appears on your finger. Prepare for the fact that after the registry office, this fairy tale will not end for you! In short, enjoy your husband!


If you manage to interest the twin male and call in it the desire to listen to the "wedding march" of Felix Mendelssohn and launch into the sky in the sky, then know, by this moment he fell in love with her ears! Moreover, he will have even a certain dependence on you.

However, twins are distinguished by slowness and disadvantage when it comes to marriage. Signs that this man wants to marry you, look like this: he began to suddenly be interested in everything that happens in your life, and demands as much time to spend together.


Whatever they talked about males, the groom he is false. Yes, too wound! Yes, too changeable in the mood and pathologically suspicious type!

But, if the cancer intends to enter into marriage with you, then be sure that you are interested in seriously and for a long time. Once and for all! Cancer faithful, passionate and sincere lover. If during sex he looks into your eyes, then know a few days left before the passage. Catch the moment!

a lion

The man-lion does not know how to pretend. If he wants something, he declares it openly and decisively. Even demanding! "I want you! So, you are mine now! " - Such a phrase in the spirit of Leo. The lion is a nice and wonderful spouse, but he is the owner. Have this in mind!

If you are easy to rise and cheerful, you can be interesting to him and bring to the altar. The signs that the lion wants to marry is his constant desire to give you pleasure, mix and create a safe setting.


Before the ringing bells and cries of "bitterly" man-maiden will be 100% confident in his choice. This cavalier will try to please you with any ways and makes you burning from passion. He knows how to look into the soul and find in the woman "weak" places. Virgo is watching the reaction and goes to ahead.

You just laid about a joint weekend, and he already painted the upcoming weekend by the clock and came up with a lot of interesting things. If he is active and takes the initiative to himself - you are his goal for living together. Only please observe the order and purity in the house!


If your goal is a man-scales, then you can't find a more faithful husband. With mutual sympathy, he will love you with all the fibers of his soul. However, there is one "but". To become my husband, the representative of this sign of the zodiac can only under one condition: he should never doubt his beloved. To be confident in your chosen, in her feelings - for weights the most important and valuable.

Perhaps so he will pull the wedding moment. But if it takes place, then you know - you are the one he was looking for all my life. And yes! He loves sincere, sincere conversations. Do not regret them time.


Male Scorpio - Eternal Wanderer. Independence and freedom for it is vital. But marriage is not alien to him. Scorpio will be able to go to this transaction when it will be known that the woman shares his interests entirely.

Scorpio will not keep anything from the desire to sign an attachment and a person close in spirit. If you are the same girl, then get ready to hear from him: "Dear! Marry me!". This offer can fall as snow on the head.


Impulsive and passionate Sagittarius refers to marriage with all seriousness. He is rarely married, led by passion and fleeting feeling. In relations, the Sagittarius dominating partner and always wants to be heard and understood with his heart lady.

If you can constantly make concessions and please such a man, you have every chance of becoming his wife. Remember! Sagittarius - rider freedom! Even being official marriage, he does not calm down and every day is ready for feats.


Capricorn dreams of family life, but for a long time it is not solved to take a step towards the registry office. He likes the idea of ​​marriage itself, but becoming a surrounded man - for him a problem. The thing is that Capricorn, how fire is afraid of disappointments and betrayal.

A faithful sign of his readiness to make you an offer will be a passion on the verge of despair, intolerance and neurotic admiration for you. At this stage, Capricorn is irreparable in his desires. Even becomes not in itself.


Promises, promises, promises ... Oh, how the Aquarius man loves to give promises! But here is a paradox. This is his signals! Please perceive them with all seriousness!

Yes, it may seem to you that he is a bolt and the "dummy", and is not at all suitable for family life. It's too strong! But if Aquarius is next to you, hence, in love with the ears, and you have become the elected lady's dreams. Aquarius will not allow you to leave his life and bring to the cherished doors of the wedding palace. Just pouring patience. You will be interested with him!


Male fish is a gentleman and a word man. As soon as he identifies you as a woman with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life, then celebrate the victory!

Fish is a guy with sweets, flowers, film tickets and gifts. He loves to show his love and wants his woman to know that he appreciates her. If the fish wants to marry you, then immediately will make a sentence. This guy does not like to lose valuable time and is not afraid of change. Even those called "marriage".

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