Alexander Petrov will play Sergey Yesenin in the film from the creator of the sensational "text"


Alexander Petrov is a young sought-after actor who is filmed in the most cash and interesting films of Russian cinema. He recently received the role of the scandalous poet Sergey Yesenin in the film director of Klim Shipenko. Kinokartina was called "December" and tells about arrival in the USSR dancer Ayedor Duncan, in which the poet immediately falls in love and makes his wife. Duncan begins to prepare the escape of his beloved from his native country.

The film team has already begun shooting. They will be held in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Among the creators of the picture is also a video service Start.

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It is known that Petrov was approved on the main role almost without samples. As Shiepenko noticed, who has already rented the actor in his sensational film "Text", Sasha has practically no strong competitors. He also noted that he decided to tell the story of Yesenin no minor - he was always close to his personality and poetry. "I am very close to his poetry, mysterious death, inconsistency of character, nationwide glory and, of course, talent is all this is a huge field for creativity and art," said Shiepenko.

The director is confident that Petrov will definitely cope with the task. Despite the fact that the film does not mention the last days of Yesenin, the actor will have to create an image of a person who already feels the approach of death. "Petrov, undoubtedly, has a special talent, there is a necessary organic agent, temperament and necessary life experience," Surenko is sure.

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