Stars forbid: 10 pairs of zodiac signs, which are contraindicated to marry


Look, with how the sign of the zodiac you should not be contacted by the bonds of marriage. Alas, nothing will come out, as you do not try.

Aries and Taurus

Aries extremely volitional sign, and the calf is incredibly stubborn. Their union is similar to the Battle of Titans. Taurus wants to control every partner's effect and lead in relations, and Aries seeks freedom and independence. They have a zero chance of a happy marriage.

Taurus and Sagittarius

Sagittarius - Fiery Sign, He adores fun and adventure. But the calf prefers a quiet homemade evenings without shocks and extreme. Sagittarius loves to play intellectual games and experience their partner for the strength of his partner, and for sootimy calves such experiments seem too heavy testing.

Gemini and Capricorn

Gemini and Capricorn - the full opposites of each other. The twins are known for their cheerful nature, but it enters irreconcilable contradictions with the organizations of festivals-Capricorn. Capricorn-twin dreamers seem landed and boring partners.

Cancer and Aquarius

Cancer is an exceptional homeie, while Aquarius is freedomizing and independent personality. He shows all his appearance that he does not need anyone, but the cancer wants to constantly feel welcome. Plus, Aquarius will constantly criticize cancer, even if there is no need.

Lion and scorpion

Lion has congenital artistry, he loves to brag and turn on the public. But the scorpion is extremely concrete and immediately turns to business - it does not spend time on dusting into the eyes and demonstrating his ego. The lion loves to coxed, and the scorpion jealous. It is difficult to imagine that their marriage will be harmonious and ideal.

Virgo and Sagittarius

In this union, the opposites are definitely not attracted to each other. These two star sign simply cannot exist together. Sagittarius finds a virgin too tense and tough, while Virgo thinks Sagittarius is too stupid. According to the Virgin, the Sagittarius is overcomeless and does not take into account the feelings of other people, which can be quite a shameful manifestation in relations.

Stars forbid: 10 pairs of zodiac signs, which are contraindicated to marry 85267_1

Scales and Deva.

Scales also can not cope with the tense nature of the Virgin. Its constant need to be correct and practical can damn irritate scales. In addition, Virgo is inclined to criticize such a partner from morning to evening, from which he begins to doubt himself. Who will love relationships, complete uncertainty?

Scorpio and Aries

Scorpio and Aries are pronounced volitional natures. Each of them wants unconditional leadership and domination in relationships. And this is a catastrophe and a constant struggle of characters. The Union of these two psychotic leads to nowhere and doomed to failure. Do not even think about him!

Aquarius and Tel.

Aquarius spontaneous and craves for change, and the Taurus avoids everything new and unexpected. It goes with small and unsure steps, constantly looking around. The caution of the Taurus is striking, and fearless Aquarius surprises. They have completely different dynamics and speed. In life, they will never go around and hand in hand.

Fish and Deva.

Fish is a dreamer, and Virgo is a landed and practical person. They will be able to attain each other, but only if Virgo wants it. If it takes the fish that hovers in the clouds and will be indulgent to its work, then the relationship is possible. Otherwise, there is no point in developing them.

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