It used to be better: 4 signs of the zodiac, which are prone to nostalgia


And if we use astrology as a guide to determine our type of personality, then all signs of the zodiac are experiencing nostalgia for certain things. What are we nostalgic about?


You nostalgive for your childhood. Yes, you became older and wiser, but a carefree child still lives inside you. From time to time you let him break out and get into search of adventures and extreme.


You remember goodies from your childhood - what was preparing for breakfast grandmother and what pancakes she baked for you. You still savor food and count yourself to gourmet. Your dinners are slow, and the table is beautifully adjusted. So how did your granny gave.


You nostalgive at school times. We miss the discussions, the exchange of ideas and spirit of rivalry. Yes, you were one of the best and diligent disciples! You have something to remember to be proud of yourself.


You are nostalgic by past loving links. You think about good moments and partings and that if you could return that time, I would have done everything differently. To some acquaintances, you and, however, understood too frivolous.

a lion

You often remember that we dressed and what kind of music he listened when you were 16 years old. Today's Fashion seems to you so stupid and funny! Not that that was before! Yes, there were times and songs!

It used to be better: 4 signs of the zodiac, which are prone to nostalgia 85270_1


You are experiencing nostalgia for the fact that everything used to be at times cheaper. We are talking about cultural events. And what did you think? 20 years ago, concerts and exhibitions could be visited, having quite some money in the wallet. Not that today.


Nostalgia for justice - that's what you care about today. You miss that time when I felt that our politicians and judges worked for the benefit of the people, and not on their own goals. You are an idealist!


You are experiencing nostalgia at the pastimes and at perfect mistakes. We know the expression "let go and forget." Well, it's hard for you to do. You constantly scroll through the details in your head. You really need to let go of the past and stop torture yourself.


You are experiencing nostalgia on travel, which were, and in people with whom I got to know then. You are a fan of wanderings! You feel good when you remember where you managed to visit. Your baggage is full of bright trips.


You nostalgive by that time when it was a carefree child. Visiting the amusement park with their children dipping you into those carefree times. There you are having fun on the full coil!


Your nostalgia surprises a little and causes respect. You are nostalging by nature and animals that disappear. The current situation with the ecology is very worried. I remember student hiking in the forest and to lakes, where you enjoyed beauty and clean air.


You are sentimental and you do not need a lot of time to immerse yourself in a nostalgic mood. You can hear a song from childhood, catch the smell of caramel, watch the old movie - and now you are already in nostalgia. Art can be extremely sensitive very often causes you an emotional response.

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