Top 4 women's sign of the zodiac, of which the most faithful wives are obtained


But marriages have a property to collapse. Frequent cause - personal conflicts. But there are women who were born in order to be the best wives on the ground. Despite everything. And that's them!

Fish: 4th place

Top 4 women's sign of the zodiac, of which the most faithful wives are obtained 85273_1

For fish there is nothing more important than the family. However, they are in no hurry to marry and start children. But when it finally happens, these girls are easily refused by freedom and dedicate all their time to loved people. But a curious fact - love for the spouse does not prevent them from continuing to admire other men, because even after marriage, fish remain romantic and in love. They like to be in the company of pleasant people of the opposite sex and even flirt with them, but they will never move the trait permitted. As soon as the fish understand that communication leads to physical proximity, they immediately leave the male society and go home to their beloved husband.

Aquarius: 3 place

Aquarius girls possess a rather complex character, and not everyone can build a strong relationship with such women. These individuals are distinguished by the freedom-loving temper. Even when a beloved man appears in their lives, they are not ready to fully immerse themselves in everyday life and routine. But! Despite this, the Aquarius woman will not even think about treasoning her husband. She can provoke conflicts, jealous of her beloved and even, defiantly slamming the door, go to bed in another room. But at the same time, the Aquarius wife will love and respect their husband and will never break his heart.

Taurus: 2nd place

Married women are always care about maintaining a favorable atmosphere in their home. Everything is important for them! The mood of her husband, the well-being of the mother-in-law, the experiences of children and the pastime of pets. Even being free ladies, the calves are very selective in choosing a partner and for the most part aims to search for true love. In family life, they are able to become for her husband not only the faithful wife, but also the closest friend. As a rule, such a woman has a strong emotional connection with his beloved man. Therefore, other men are not interested in it. In turn, and she them.

Cancer: 1st place

Even the word "treason" itself causes fear and disgust in women-cancer. They are not only not capable of betrayal, but also despise those who change them. Their spouse, perhaps not the most busty man, but rather, will, rather, will suffer his negative qualities than the Roman heads on the side. However, it must be recognized that the woman's cancer itself is very jealous. This proves how important it is to preserve the love alliance and not lose your beloved.

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