Tears, revenge and scenes of jealousy: with how the sign of the zodiac to part most


If you have ever been transferred to the fracture, you know that the unpleasant sound should be a stunning attack of pain. Gap with a solid - something similar: they will be very straight, and it will be very fast. The likelihood is great that the relationship with you was bored or they found someone new - but, in any case, all over.

When everything is over for Aries, it is finally and irrevocable: they are not interested in trying to "repair" relationships, solve the problem, to again find the disappeared "spark" in relationships. And just that is, his final confidence is that it will not fix anything - and it will be most of all.


The most important person in the life of the Taurus is he himself, and the fact that he will always be in the first place, slowly will be fed up the foundation of your relationship. It is very likely that it will not be offered to break up, and you - you are both of them. The most painful will be that the Taurus is too stubborn and will not fundamentally fight for your relationship.


The gap with the twins is the direct opposite of rapid and efficient parting with airy. Gemini tighten this process to infinity, droopy, trying to understand for themselves, whether they want these relationships or not - but even if the twin threw you, do not think that he will now disappear from your life.

Not at all - he will constantly write to you, offering something to rest again, then staying friends, then some kind of damn, and will cause you so much pain than any other parting. At the same time, the twin himself will not show that he at least some hurt from your gap - it will be calmer to post a photo of an admission with friends in social networks and pretend that everything is cool, it does not happen.


When relations with cancer end, the hardest is not a gap itself, but see how this gap affects the cancer. Parting destroys crayfish, and even a person who crashed - if he, of course, is not quite heartless - it becomes so sorry that I want to return and comfort, support, but it is impossible to do this. Cancers demonstrate all their emotions without problems, and see the crying man-cancer - the test is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Tears, revenge and scenes of jealousy: with how the sign of the zodiac to part most 85281_1

a lion

The lion loves to be in the center of attention, so that the break with the lion, as a rule, happens in public - and the presence of random witnesses of this already heavy scene will surely double your pain. As Lviv is a whole army of fans, his new relationships will appear faster than you have time to blink, and you will only have to agonizing, scrolling in your head all the history of your relationship and trying to understand what you did wrong.

All the salt is that nothing bad you did - but even if you know that you are not to blame for a break, you will not become easier. Oils in the fire of agony will be repaled by common friends (and those of lion are also very many), which will ask what happened, and express sympathy, and then - tastefully tell you about the new Lion's love.


Virgo, very likely, will not even notice that it hurts you - he will most likely think that it simply helps you with its constant criticism and useful offers. Then Virgo with his head will deepen into any research project or his work, will give you less and less attention, and in the end you quietly go to preserve at least some respects self-esteem.


Believe me: The least weights want to hurt you, however they are such people - they are difficult for them for a long time staying next to one person, if they feel that they are not deserved attention.

The scales will ride a very long time, unable to decide whether it is worth it or it is worth breaking the relationship, and that the most disgusting will constantly inform you in the process of making this decision - as long as you do not end the strength and nerves and you are not We will demand that he finally decided. It will not end, it will not end, but there is a positive moment: it is from the scales that the best former.


Scorpions are very strong, deeply and intensively love - and is as much very angry. Do not give God your gap will be accompanied by a scandal: when scorpions are angry, they become extremely cruel, at that moment their goal is to hurt you as much as possible, and be sure they will succeed in this. Scorpio will tell a bunch of truly offensive things, and it's not easy for dust of quarrels - we all know that scorpions prefer not to lie and speak honestly, so everything he will speak, he actually feels. If the dam of the anger of scorpion is broken, it is no longer stopped - and it will continue until it brings you to tears and will not destroy all the good feelings that still remained.


Even if you feel that some problems began in your relationship with Sagittarius, there was a high probability that you just do not have time to do - you will come home, and Sagittarius, along with his things and a trace. You can't wait for any explanation and excuse from the Sagittarius - and this is just that it will be the most painful and offensive.

Sagittarov and without that all the time pulls somewhere, and if conflicts began in relations or a permanent negative is observed, they are no longer kept. The habit of reset the ballast and disappear without the explanation of the Sagittars themselves explain to themselves by the fact that they are so arranged - and nothing can be hurt here.


Most likely, you will not be blamed in parting, but Capricorn - because he has not yet departed from previous relations and retains feelings to the former. It is impossible to compete with the ghost, and for you, of course, it will not be easy and painfully understand that you do not reach the high standards set by the previous love of Capricorn.


Since the Aquarius is hard to express their emotions and often seem cold and insensitive, all experiences on the break will fall on your shoulders. It is useless to speak aquatic that you feel it is useless - he does not want to hear it, does not want to know this and do not want to deal with it too. And there is no chance to fix and restore the relationship either - because, in the head of the Aquarius, and there is nothing to repair.


The fish will be terribly embarrassing or even really bad due to the fact that they do it hurt - but it will certainly not help you. Relationships require the work of both partners, and in fish, as a rule, there are more interesting classes - and his apparent indifference will make the break even more.

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