"Everywhere - Sanya White": Sergey Bezrukov is discussed in the network, reading the texts of rappers


Recently, Ivan Urgant decided to call for his program "Evening Urgant" Sergey Belakova. At the same time, the presenter came up with the famous actor a difficult task. He asked the performer of the role of Sergey Yesenin to read the texts of modern songs in their copyright style to convey to the audience all the absurdity of the current musical trends. Bezrukov gladly agreed.

Thus, the other day in Instagram-Account of the Transmission "Evening Urgant", excerpts appeared from the speech of the artistic director of the Moscow Gubernsky Theater. Bezrukov tried to read how the poems of various hits that young people are admired. And it turned out quite interesting. "The artist reads the song. @S_BEZRukov declares texts of modern hits! " - left the signature in the microblog program.

Many fans did not expect the performer of the role of Sasha White in the TV series "Brigade" so funny tracks. "From his mouth, these meaningless songs sound brilliantly", "Great Sergey Bezrukov", "Bezrukov. The masterpiece reading "," I would, on the site of the authors of these "poems," it was ashamed that there was a talented man ... that such a talented person knows about their existence, "" I don't even know such songs, "the follovers noted.

Others stated that Bezrukov plays white again. "Everywhere - Sanya is white," wrote one of the users of the network.

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