"Sadnaya became after the divorce": In the network discuss "perfect" Christina Asmus


Christina Asmus shared with fans a funny frame, on which he closed a brilliant strip in the teeth with the word "perfect". The star is definitely not suffering from underestimated self-esteem, the truth is not all the folloviers agreed with her.

"What is your disadvantage?" Actress asked for subscribers. Microblog's readers with Azart began to list their minuses in the comments, not forgetting to "walk" and by Christine asmus. "It became completely dull after the divorce", "Christina, Purge! Cosmetics will not hide the fatigue of your soul, "too vulgar image," the 32-year-old artist criticized.

It should be noted that Christina Asmus fans and Garik Harlamov still can not believe that the couple divorced. The news of the gap sounded like a thunder among the clear sky, many decided that it was just another draw from the Comedy Club resident. Later it turned out that the spouses are not up to jokes, their relationship deteriorated quite a long time and even the Martov Locking turned out to be at nothing.

After official parting, rumors appeared that Asmus was in love with the 69-year-old director Alexei Master. However, the artist is still categorically refused to spread about his personal life. What you can not say about her former husband. Garik Harlamov does not hide that he found a new love - a 27-year-old actress Catherine Kovalchuk. It is noteworthy that the girl is incredibly similar to his predecessor.

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