"Symptoms are typical": Christina Asmus answered questions about well-being at COVID-19


Fans are worried about actress Christina Asmus, which has discovered COVID-19. The actress receives many messages from fans with questions about well-being. She decided to write a separate post about how her illness flows.

32-year-old actress The first three days struggled with a high temperature, but later the fever left. Doctors diagnosed coronavirus and forbade her to communicate with anyone. Asmus continues the treatment and most of the day spends on the sofa or in bed due to weakness.

"No temperature. Odors and taste too. Like no headache and almost no cough. But there is time to take, read and do long-awaited affairs. But there is no desire too. And I saw some studies that these symptoms are absolutely typical for Kovida. And it is better not to injure yourself, listen to the body and rest more. Yes, yes, I definitely saw. Some instagram scientists wrote. So I'm behind the new boot and bed, "Christina about well-being told with humor.

Asmus attached a photo in a stylish trouser costume of heavenly shade. They combined it with a white t-shirt and died of the same color. Day makeup with a lipstick berry shade emphasized the natural beauty of the actress.

Subscribers together wished Christine health.

"Christina, I give you the health of the Bogatyr", "Recovery, Christina, you still need to please us with new roles," "Congratulations, the crisis is passed," "Christina, hold on, you are well done!" - Supported artist fans.

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