Less than 22 thousand rubles: how many Christina Asmus earns in the theater


Actress Christina Asmus infected with coronavirus and is in self-insulation. Temporarily, it was free from filming and rehearsals and talked to fans. Artist honestly answered questions from their subscribers to Instagram.

Christina does not consider the fee with a decisive reason to subscribe to a new job. She agreed several times for roles for symbolic amounts. This actress told about this in response to the question whether she would agree to participate in an interesting project for a modest fee. The artist shocked fans, calling the size of their salary in the theater.

"For me, the financial issue has never been decisive. I generally always discuss money in the last place. And I work in the theater. Very many times had to sacrifice multimillion films and corporate parties for the sake of performances (and even runs), which cannot be canceled. And in the theater I get less than 22 thousand rubles per month, "Asmus told.

Perhaps why the actress does not want her daughter to go to her footsteps. To the question, whether Christine like the idea that the heiress can choose an acting profession, Asmus responded negatively.

Fans surprised Christina theater salary. Some decided that the actress Lukavit, understating the real amount. By the way, this year the subsistence minimum in Moscow was 20.3 thousand rubles for the working-age population.

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