"Poor Garik!": Christina Asmus in a spicy dress flashed with a fifth point


Actress Kristina Asmus arranged another session of revelations with his subscribers in Instagram. She told 10 interesting facts about themselves and asked if she was her fans. To attract attention, the actress chose a spicy photo.

Asmus admitted that she is sweet tooth and no day without fruit candy. She still communicates in a friendly with many teachers who taught her acting skills. And Christina prefers to hide money and bank card in the bag pocket to not get the wallet.

"On my left leg, I have a scar from the steamer. Once I decided to disappear jeans, having hung them on my bare leg, "said the celebrity about his confusion.

Kristina published a list under the photo on which she poses at the window. The actress relies on the window sill with hands, standing back to the camera, and looks into the lens over the shoulder. The posture takes a picture rather piquant because on Asmus a short red dress with a floral print.

Subscribers with pleasure noted which facts coincide with their idea about actress. Some admitted that they sometimes arrive just like Christina. For example, thank drivers who inferior to them, and try to switch to the other side faster to keep them. Many left compliments of the artist and planned her former husband, which lost such a wonderful woman.

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