"Solid Provocation": Christina Asmus in the playful ultramini extinguished the network


Christina Asmus loves to try on new images. Not so long ago, the actress showed the subscribers of his account in Instagram photos on which it was captured in a supr.

The Star of the TV series "Interns" chose to shoot a black jumpsuit with short shorts into a large white peas. On the legs of Christina, stockings boots on high heels, a small one takes on his head, put on a barrel, and in his hands long gloves. Sexy clothes 32-year-old star supplemented bright red hair. Actress makeup also chose a bright, with almy lips.

The users of the social network admitted that they were shocked by the actress seen and delighted with such an image. The fans showered asmus by compliments, and noted that, despite the difficulties in the family and the divorce with her husband Garick Harlamov, Christina looks happy.

"Very interesting image," "I fell in love with this beauty," "image - solid provocation", "lips - chic!", "Beauty!" - write folloviers.

Recall, the last weeks Asmus spent in Gelendzhik, during the shooting of the show "Gold Gelendzhik". The actress itself says that the work for her turned out unusual.

"It's grandiose! The month of shooting non-stop under the scorching sun, 1.5 thousand participants, 200 people group, 16 cameras, cranes, pyrotechnics, 20-hour shifts and much more, "says the actress.

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