"Divaled to lay out the photo": Christina Asmus again exposed on the network


After the news about the divorce with Garick Harlamov Christina Asmus continued to live an active life in social networks. It is still regularly postponing his photos, with the only difference that now almost every post recalls about parting with her husband. Even photographed together with the shooting partners in the film "John", Asmus began his post with words: "No signatures about divorce."

Well, and a new snapshot in Instagram Cristina also called: "Divaled to lay out this photo." The fact is that the photo girl is completely naked. It sits in a bath with transparent water back to the camera, besides which you can see only the bending of its hips and wet hair. Network users also thrown on the actress not for a frank frame, but for its constant references to the rupture with Harlamov.

"Well, no longer funny ... Walk, everyone forgot about a long time about divorce", "You're talking more about the divorce more than subscribers", "a pianity and everything," - indulge the Folloviers, however, some have found an excuse to the actions of the star. Say, the best defense is an attack.

Surprisingly, but only a small part of the subscribers decided to discuss a frank shot. "Yes ... Now it is for a long time. Until a new man finds a new man, it will be naked to play "," In vain ... not worth "," After the "Text", this photo is just a children's story, "say subscribers. Most, as usual, appreciated the sense of humor of celebrities. She listed in advance all sorts of comments. For example, "Harlice is a pity", "Show, my daughter", "Do not disgrace the image of the Mermaid", "Strange Spine", "APPIATE FROM ACTRISK", "I read all the hashtags! They are divine than the photo itself! " - This is the general opinion of fans.

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