Blitz interview with Taylor Lautner in Mexican GQ Magazine


GQ: One of the themes of our number, these are women fashion male. What is the trend in female fashion confuse you?

Taylor Lautner: I sometimes do not understand one thing, and sometimes I think it's very cute - it is leggings. Sometimes they look so stupid that I want to ask: "Why did you put them on?", And sometimes I think: "This is very nice." Maybe this is due to the fact that girls wear them often on a sunny day. When it is hot weather and on the street for thirty degrees, you do not need to wear gestra. Here is an example of a fashionable female trend, which I do not understand.

GQ: Do you play any musical instruments?

Taylor Lautner: I always showed interest in drums and anything else. The drums are the only tool that, as I think, I would come up, because I am a very physically developed person. I always played sports and the like. Drums could give me something.

GQ: Which of your family are you closest?

Taylor Lautner: Happy sister, she respects me, and I also respect her. She is younger than me, she is only 10 years old, and I certainly, I will be one of those brothers who are followed by their younger sisters. I wonder how I will behave when she starts walking with the guys. I hope they will not be so much, and she will immediately meet standing.

GQ: How old was you when you first kissed?

Taylor Lautner: It was once in high school. I do not remember in which year, but exactly in high school. It was just a girl from school. That is, not that I approached her and said: "You are just a girl from school for me, but let me kiss you!", But there was a girl at school with which I kissed.

GQ: Given the fact that you have tons of squeezing fans, you can easily communicate with girls?

Taylor Lautner: I would not say that I cope with it. I believe it depends on the girl. Sometimes I feel that I can fully open, and I would like it to be as often as possible, because this is what I'm looking for. A girl who could open and be his own and whom I would be able to completely trust with which I could completely overcome the constraint.

GQ: Why do you stop communicating with a girl?

Taylor Lautner: If the girl does not know how to behave, what to say, how to smile or laughing. In the sense that she is not genuinely sincerely and even laughs, probably thinking that such a laughter or smile is more beautiful and I will like it. And even if she is trying to build a twist. In the sense that she shows to all his behavior, what kind of queen she herself is that she beside her drum next to the English prince, that I am that ordinary guy from school. This is not the way to conquer me. I more like girls who do not play 24 hours a day any specific role, and can naturally joke and maybe awkwardly laughing. Be sincere and be able to just spend time!

GQ: Continue: When I look back at your 17 years, I remember ...

Taylor Lautner: ... The shooting area of ​​"New Moon" and "Eclipse", because the shooting of the second and third part of the twilight saga just passed in the period until I was 17 years old.

GQ: Imagine you're an adult well-established film actor with success experience from an early age. Who would be from famous film acters, would you like to see in the film about your real life in the role of yourself?

Taylor Lautner: Well, let's notice! Surely, I would need to answer - Johnny Depp - after all, he loves everything, but I would not mind Brade Pitt or even Matt Damon. When I ask me, whose career I would like to have, I say that Matt Damona. I adore his series of films about Borne.

GQ: If you could change places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?

Taylor Lautner: Brian Austin Green. Because he married Megan Fox!

GQ: What a snotty girl movie do you like to watch?

Taylor Lautner: "Diary of Memory." "Hurry to love."

GQ: What TV shows give you pleasure?

Taylor Lautner: One series I look all the time, this is "Dog: The Bounty Hunter".

GQ: What is your favorite website?

Taylor Lautner: I do not spend a lot of time at the computer now, but earlier when there was a lot of time I loved to go to the site There are the coolest games and many other things.

GQ: Call the last song in your iPod, which you listened.

Taylor Lautner: It was a song in the style of techno. I listen to them to be in a tone on the set.

GQ: The last thing you bought.

Taylor Lautner: Steak for dinner.

GQ: What did you dream last night?

Taylor Lautner: I do not remember. I never remember my dreams.

GQ: How much money is now in your wallet?

Taylor Lautner: I do not have a wallet with him.

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