Star "Eternal Call" Ekaterina Pearly fell into the hospital


Doctors hospitalized actress Catherine Pearly. She became bad, and the daughter caused the ambulance brigade.

The artist of the Theater "Roman" complained about a strong headache. After measuring blood pressure, it became clear that it rose sharply. Olga's daughter called an ambulance, and the brigade arrived very quickly. Doctors decided not to leave a 76-year-old artist unattended and took it into one of the metropolitan hospitals.

According to the "Fifth Canal", Catherine complained about the daughter for several days, which feels badly, and the deterioration has come on July 30. Olga told that her mother sometimes there are jumps of pressure due to age. According to her, now everything is in order with the actress, she feels good.

Catherine Pearl for many years is in the theater "Roman", but most of all she remembered the audience on roles in the cinema. The debut actresses took place in the famous picture "Eternal Calls". Of the recent works of Catherine, the roles in the "Queen Margo" ribbons are particularly noticeable, "Carmelita. Gypsy passion. " The actress was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, she was also awarded the Medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland".

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