"The betrayal happened": the star "Kitchen" Ekaterina Kuznetsova explained the speed divorce


Ekaterina Kuznetsova stayed in marriage with Evgeny Prone of only about a year. The couple met in 2014 on the set of the series "Heart will not order", where the actors played lovers. Soon after work in this project, Catherine and Evgeny got married, but they could not live together for a long time.

From the moment of parting the couple has passed for five years, and only now Kuznetsova decided to tell about the causes of the divorce. As part of the "Fate of Man" program, the star of the series "Kitchen" explained that the family with penetration did not work out due to different views on life.

"There were circumstances with whom I could not compete. There was a betrayal. It happened not on my part, "Kuznetsov told Boris Korchevnikov in an interview.

She noted that it was possible to blame himself in the treason of her husband, because she was more careful and rarely paid him time. In addition, according to Catherine, Eugene very much wanted children, and she was not yet ready for motherhood.

33-year-old Ekaterina Kuznetsova was born in a family of professional athletes. The girl from an early age was engaged in vocals and participated in all sorts of competitions. Later she made his debut in the movies, and after filming in the TV series "Kitchen" gained real popularity.

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