"1092 days": Ekaterina Kopanova considered how long the pregnant time went


Actress Theater and Cinema Catherine Copanova published in his Instagram account post dedicated to the mother's day recently. In the photo of Copanova obviously in the last months of pregnancy, the girl posing in a gentle yellow dress against a brilliant wall. In the signature to the image of the actress calculated how much days was "in the position".

"Calculated the total amount of time as I went pregnant in my life. 3 years = 36 months = 156 weeks = 1092 days. In numbers it sounds a bit. Did you think? Happy holiday! " - writes copankov.

Fans in the comments began to share their experiences, as well as in response to congratulate the favorite actress and the mother of four children with the holiday. They wish the idol of happiness, health and mutual understanding in the family, and also surprise her courage, thanks to which the actress became a mom for the fourth time.

"Your family happiness. I also have a daughter about the same period, waiting for the sixth baby, without breaking away from work, "writes a fan.

Actress answered many such messages with words of gratitude and wished happiness to subscribers.

Ekaterina Kopanova became known for the role in the melodrama "waiting for a miracle." After that, the girl is removed mainly in comedy projects. For example, it can be seen in the pictures "to Paris", "Three in the elevator, not counting the dog" and the series "Woman in a state of divorce".

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