Updated: Jennifer Lawrence in the magazine Vanity Fair. November 2014.


About leakage of candid photos : "The fact that I actress and public person does not mean that I asked about it. This does not mean that such in the order of things. This is my body, and it should be my choice. And the fact that I do not have the right to choose, just disgusting. I can not believe that we live in such a world. This is not a scandal. This is a sexual crime. This is sexual violence. It's disgusting. You need to change the laws, and we yourself need to change. That is why all these websites are responsible. It turns out that someone can use and humiliate in sexual plan, and the first thought, which at the same time appears in some in the head - this is the possibility of extracting benefits. I do not understand this. I can not imagine how it can be so inhuman. And I can not imagine how you can be such reckless, irresponsible and empty ... Anyone who looked at these photos; You perpetuated these sexual crimes. You must be ashamed".

About whether she is not going to publicly apologize for their photos: "Each word I tried to write, caused tears or anger in me. I started writing apologious speech, but I have nothing to apologize for. I was four years old in beautiful and healthy relationships, full of love. It was a relationship in the distance, or your partner will watch porn, or look at you. "

About what she feels now: "You know, time treats. I am no longer crying because of this. And not angry. But I can't sleep peacefully until these people caught. After all, they can not catch them at all. I need to find the inner world. "

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