Robert Downey Jr. with her son in the journal Vanity Fair. October 2014.


Dauni was sent to rehab, but he ran from the clinic. In 1999, he asked the judge not to send him to prison. He was sentenced to 36 months in prison, but he was serving less than a year. In 2000, the number of the Hotel Hotel, where Cocaine and Methamphetamine found was searched to the police in response to an anonymous call. Next year, the actor was arrested and sent for treatment, he wandered barefoot through the streets.

"For some people, it's just a returnable," said 49-year-old Downey about the victory over his personal demons. It is completely normal, to have some kind of dependency at a certain period of time, and then it all passes. "

Talking about your stay in the rehabilitation center and the prison of California, as well as the process of restoring life, Downey said: "Work is a way out of this cave. Many come out, but do not change. The fact is that in addition, it is necessary to realize the significance of the aggressive denial of their fate, to undergo hardening and become even stronger. Or something different. But I do not know what is my personal experience. "

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