What will happen next in the 5th season "Volconka": interview with the creator of the series


How does Scott group recover from the events that occurred in the 10th episode?

The friendship of Scott and Stilza is waiting for a long road to return - it will not be easy. Of course, in the 11th episode, they will not gather again all together - the second half of the season will be devoted to restoration. Our topic for the second half of the season is a revival, so we will gradually collect friends back, and all this will fall on Scott's shoulders. He will learn from his failures - and, as Melissa said, this is his task - to give them hope again. Scott and Stiles will try to restore their relationship with Kira and Malia, respectively - let's see if they can be together again.

What will happen to Heiden and Liam? And what are the consequences of the confrontation of Liam and Scott?

Hayden, which united with the theo, will cause many conflicts between Scott and the rest of the characters, and especially Liam. The friendship of Liam and Scott will be practically destroyed. Liam will have to dig in itself and find out the real reasons for bringing it crazy. It will be quite difficult for him, he will have to take responsibility - and at the same time maintain secret relationship with Hayden.

The first half of the 5th seasons for Scott was very complex. How will it change in the second half of the season?

This is the classic history of the hero - death, then resurrection. And now, when he is actually resurrected, he will have to do what Mom told him - to give the rest of the hope, return them. In the first half of the remaining episodes of the 5th Season of Scott will try again to gather their friends together to help Lydia and stop the potential threat to everyone who they love.

What will be with Styrene in the next 5 season episodes?

He will survive. In 11 episode [Premiere Episode 2 Half 5 Wolf Couple] We will know, he will survive or not. We will see how Scott and Stiles are fighting for the life of Styrene.

What will happen to Kira?

Kira and Noshiko are trying to find a solution to the problem with the Spirit of Fox, which captures control. Most recently, we finished the script of the 13th episode, which will be fully dedicated to Cyre - I think it will work out very interesting. In the 12th episode, the audience will learn where she and what does, and then, in the 13th, all the details will be disclosed.

Will the past of Parrisch be revealed - now when we learned, who is he really?

Yes, in the second half of the 5th season, the audience will learn much more about his past. We will give most of the answers to questions about Parrich - what is his role, why he arrived in Bicon Hills and what was to do here. It can not be called a purely positive character, but the villain cannot be called too. He has its own task that he needs to fulfill. In a sense, he is a defender, but the Cerber who guarded the gate of Hell, was not the most pleasant two-headed peel.

Will the premiere of the 11th episode answer all the questions that appeared after the final 10th episode?

Yes, but we will save a few secrets. This is a kind of large-scale party in chess - gradually the audience learn what is the role of each in the approaching grand battle, which they will see later. When we conceived the plot of the 5th seasons "Volconka", we believed that it would be the last - so they planned something ambitious. And it is still in force - True, now we have the next season.

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