Top 6 sequels, which turned out to be more successful than original films


"Great Father 2" (1974)

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Filmed 2 years after the "godfather" of Sikvel failed to surpass the original on cash collecting and ratings (at Rotten Tomatoes at Sicvel - 97%, while at the first "godfather" - 99%), but noted "Oscar" in The most honorary category "best movie". "The Great Father 2" became the first Sixel who managed to conquer this "Oscar" - in addition to him, just managed to "the Lord of the Rings: Return of the king."

"Star Wars, Episode V: Empire Deals Punch" (1980)

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"Hardcore" fans of "Star Wars" not without reason consider V episode as one of the best in the entire franchise - in the film "The Empire shall cause a response" unexpected plot turns, action and emotions were perhaps even more than in the original (in many respects An ending account that was infinitely far from the traditional Happi-End for Hollywood).

"Dark Knight" (2008)

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A real masterpiece is at least from the point of view of Fans of Batman - Christopher Nolan, the trilogies of Batman films provided by Universal Studios over a billion dollars arrived at the box office. But especially against the background "Batman: the beginning" Sikvel is distinguished - "Dark Knight", which, thanks to an amazing, brilliant acting, Hit Ledger, in the image of Joker will forever be remembered by fans of "superhero" films. Well, a small detail - at the rental of Sicvel earned almost 3 times more than the original (a little more than half a billion dollars).

"Aliens" (1986)

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7 years after the exit of the original "alien" development of the history of Ellen Ripley (Sigurnie Weaver), the legendary James Cameron, who managed not only to exceed the original, but also to remove one of the most memorable SCI-FI horror systems in Hollywood's history. Waiter received a nomination for Oscar as the best actress, and the commercial success of the film led to the emergence of two more sequels in the future, the film crossover ("stranger against the predator") and covered.

"Spiderman 2" (2004)

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Although at the rental "Spiderman 2" earned less than two other films of the trilogy, critics unanimously argue that Sikvel was able to surpass the original and at the same time to become the best film of the trilogy with Toby Maguire as a spiderman. Sikvel broke the record of the original "man-spider" in the preparations of the Premier Weekend and was the second on the list of the Cash Films of 2004.

"Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991)

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As in the case of "other people's", the Sicvel "Terminator" was released after a long 7 years after the appearance of the original - and it was James Cameron, literally "saved" the franchise "Aliens", provided unfavorable fame and the Sicvel "Terminator". After that, the studio 20th Century Fox tried to "revive" the 1991 classic three times, which earned four Oscar at once, but did not succeed - even the new "Terminator: Genesis" with the Iron Arnie failed to repeat the office of ancient sequel, exceeding His time is half a billion dollars.

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