Jennifer Lawrence in photo shoot for Vogue, December 2015


About loneliness:

"Every Saturday evening I spend alone. Men are so unfriendly to me. I know what is the reason - I know that they are trying to dominate - but it offends me. I'm just a girl who wants someone to treat her well. I am straight like an arrow. I sometimes seem to me that I need a guy - with all the respect, - which last 5 years lived in Baghdad and does not have the concept of who I ".

About aircraft:

"I find it difficult to fly by commercial flights. I always want is cheaper, it's easier - but Gaita can have 300 absolutely normal people and one psycho, which all spoils everything, so it's better to fly by private aircraft, because you do not have to worry. "

About the film "Passengers" with Chris Prett:

"I knew that after the end of the" hungry games "should not be filmed in the blockbuster. I wanted to return to my roots, to indie films in which I started. And then I read the script of "passengers" and I liked it. This is my first project from the moment I was completely freed from the franchise. "

About politics:

"My look at the election is unambiguous: if Donald Trump becomes president of the United States, it will be the end of the world."

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