Season 7 "Vampire Diaries" - Spoilers: Stephen as a hero, Damon as an alcoholic?


Once again, the executive producer of "Vampire Diaries" Carolyn Drives talked to the media, repaid the veins of the mystery over the events of the 7th season of the series. That's what we learned this time:

After the loss of Elena Damon resorts to the oldest way to combat grief - alcohol. It is unlikely that we will see Yen Somaerhalder in the classic role of an alcoholic dropped alcoholic, but the fact that his character will start in all heavy - 100%.

Bonnie will take the task of returning to life and Damon, and Alarika - they both lost their loved ones in the final of the 6th season. It was Bonni to give Damon emotional support and help him "cure" after the loss of Elena.

In the first episode of the 7th season of the Vampire Diaries, the audience will bring to know what happened to Tyler (Michael's playing gladly left the series almost immediately after Nina Dobrev's departure).

Julie Plek, the creator of "diaries", promises a "lot of surprises" for Caroline - and the forced role of the hero for Stephen.

Most likely, it is Stefan that will be assigned a key role in the fight against heretics.

Matt, as usual, will do everything in his power to defend ordinary inhabitants Mystic Falls.

There is a chance that Matt and Stephen will unite in the fight against heretics, which will be a threat to Mystic Falls.

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