What serials worth watching different zodiac signs


Aries (March 21 - April 20)

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Aries - a little selfish, very, very passionate and impressionable. It's not so easy to get along with them, but they are able to inspire anyone. For Aries, the series, which reveal the human nature with all its forces and weaknesses, will be suitable - and, of course, that they will be melodratically, the more interesting.

Recommended TV series:

"Inside Amy Sumer" / Inside Amy Schumer

"Anatomy of Passion" / Greys Anatomy

"Empire" / Empire

"Sota" / The 100

"Pedigree" / Bloodline

Tales (April 21 - May 21)

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To feel confident, the calves in life need a procedure, however, when they are given the opportunity in their own pace, they are extremely patient. Tales are often afraid of change and rely on old habits, so the best choice for this sign of the zodiac is the serials that go long ... for a very long time.

Recommended TV series:

"Doctor Who" / DOCTOR WHO

"Americans" / The Americans

"American Crime" / American Crime

"The Big Bang Theory" / The Big Bang Theory

"Law and order. Special Case "/ Law & Order: SVU

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

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Extremely energetic twins do not tolerate boredom and differ in superficial knowledge about everything in the world. They primarily fit the series with extremely "swirling" plot, dramatic turns and intrigues.

Recommended TV series:

"Game of Thrones" / Game of Thrones

"Elementary" / Elementary

"The Walking Dead" / The Walking Dead

"Girls" / Girls

"This Detective" / True Detective

"American Horror History" / American Horror Story

Cancer (June 22 -22)

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Cancers will go for anything to protect what they like - and in any way to get up on the way. For cancers, a family is extremely important, so they may suffer from drops of mood and nostalgia. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are suited by series with very strong characters, which are essentially the center of their own universe.

Recommended TV series:

"Madness" / Mad Men

"Past errors" / Rectify

"I - Zombies" / Izombie

"Sorvigolova" / Daredevil

"Right Wife" / The Good Wife

Lion (July 23 - August 22)

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People born under the sign of the lion, from nature possess stunning charm and charisma, they are inborn leaders, creative and sensitive, although sometimes they can be a bit unceremonious. Lions are suitable, comedy serials.

Recommended TV series:

"Virgin" / Jane The Virgin

"Unbending Kimiy Schmidt" / Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

"Blackn" / Black-Ish

"Obvious" / Transparent

"Instructions for dividing women" / Girlfriends Guide to Divorce

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

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From the maiden perfectors, excellent friends are obtained, but the representatives of this sign of the zodiac are very fragile, so they need a special approach. The best shows are the series about interesting, complex people who cannot be described in a word - since the Virgin love to "solve" people.

Recommended TV series:

"Brother City" / Broad City

"American Family" / Modern Family

Nashville / Nashville

"The Mindy Project project" / The Mindy Project

"Sister Jackie" / Nurse Jackie

"Anarchy Sons" / Sons Of Anarchy

Scales (September 23 - October 22)

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Scales are best known to relax, have an insurmountable disappointment, good manners and are excellent partners for marriage. They are romantic and will go anything to charm the person liked, however, reaching a goal, become somewhat lazy. Weighs are suitable for serials with romantic, dreamy plot lines.

Recommended TV series:

"Orange - New Black" / Orange Is The New Black

"The Last Man on Earth" / The Last Man On Earth

"Kingdom" / Reign

"Better Call Salu" / Better Call Saul

"The Vampire Diaries" / The Vampire Diarias

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

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Scorpions are a special element, destructive as the Forces of Nature: Eternally, something tormented, tense, scorpions may seem very mysterious and attractive. It is best for them to suit them with very complex key heroes - scorpions want to see someone who seems calm and collected outside, but with the "passion volcano" inside.

Recommended TV series:

"Scandal" / Scandal

"Dark Child" / Orphan Black

"Lovers" / The Affair

"Royal Family Members" / The Royals

"To all grave" / Breaking Bad

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

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Sagittarius are very practical people who value the freedom to choose themselves. They quickly adapt to new situations and circumstances. Sagittarius are suitable for the series, whose characters are seriously suitable for life (but they have a "dark" sense of humor).

Recommended TV series:

Silicon Valley / Silicon Valley

"Shameless Shameless

"In Philadelphia is always sunny" / ITS Always Sunny in Philadelphia

"Together" / Togetherness

"Office" / The Office

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

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There is no one more resistant than Capricorn. They do not calm down until they achieve their goal and always a million percent concentrated on the task. Thanks to this approach, the Capricorns are usually very successful, but they do not tolerate those who do not invest all their strength. Series are suitable for caperpashers, whose main characters never give up and pass through hell to achieve what they want.

Recommended TV series:

"Vikings" / Vikings

"Hannibal" / Hannibal

Ray Donovan / Ray Donovan

"Strela" / arrow

"Crash" / The Fall

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

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Aquarius is very bright individuality and very understanding people, which makes them great friends and excellent leaders. For water, there are serials with secrets and intrigues, with characters who like to solve problems and find answers to the most difficult questions.

Recommended TV series:

"Supernatural" / Supernatural

"Pretty Little Liars" / Pretty Little Liars

"Scary Fairy Tale" / Penny Dreadful

Brooklyn 9-9 / Brooklyn Nine-Nine

"How to avoid punishment for killing" / how to get away with murder

"Gossip" / Gossip Girl

Fish (February 20 - March 20)

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In fish it is very easy to fall in love: they are kind, gentle, very modest, emotionally deep. Fishes like the series in which you can empathize the main characters and to show intuition.

Recommended TV series:

"Portland" / Portlandia

Downton Abbey / Downton Abbey

"Bachelorette" / The Bachelorette

"Stranger" / Outlander

"Fosters" / The Fosters

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