George R. Martin told how the "Game of Thrones" end


To the question, whether the struggle will not end between starks by Lannisters, Targarein, dragons and white walkers with some terrible and bloody apocalypse, Martin replied unequivocally - "No. I definitely do not have such intentions. " And although the writer in an interview admitted that he had not yet segged to thinking the ending, he had already chosen a certain tone for her - "sorely joyful."

What follows from this? First of all, the fact that on John Snow the rim of the dead favorite characters will not end - however, those who are familiar with the work of George R. Martin, are already morally ready for this. Most likely, the Final Games of the Thrones will be similar to the Finale of the Lord of the Rings, which Martin mentioned as an example and the source of inspiration. According to him, the "Lord of the Rings" "ends with the victory - but this is a victory at the same time and joyful, and sorrowful. Frodo will never return again, he floats to the West, in Valinor, and the rest continue to live their lives. "

George R. Martin told how the

We will remind, not so long ago it became known that the "game of the throne" extended for another few seasons - now, presumably, the studies of the audience will see no earlier than in the last series of the 8th season of the series in the summer of 2018.

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