Gwyneth Paltrow produces a culinary book for working mothers


The book will include 125 recipes that can be useful to every "busy mommy", because herself Gwynet is just that. Use the advice on useful and simple fast food will be able to every person who is limited in time, but strives for proper nutrition. Recipes are dedicated to dishes with low fat, glucose, salts and gluten.

42-year-old Gwyneth has been held for many years to hold a specific nutritional structure. For example, she completely eliminated some products from its diet. The actress does not eat cereal, dairy products, bypassing a sidewalk of crustaceans, including crabs and mollusks. In addition, Paltrow negatively refers to tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants. In its dishes, it never adds salt, sugar and spices.

"It's simple: a tasty and healthy dish less than in 30 minutes" will become the third collection of dishes and recipes Gwyneth Paltrow. In 2011, a collection was published under the name: "Papine daughter: delicious and simple dishes for family holidays", and after 2 years, in 2013 the book: "Everything is simple: delicious and simple recipes that will help you be beautiful and healthy."

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