Jennifer Aniston and Justin Tera launched a 6-month-old girl


A few weeks ago, the American tabloid Life & Style reported that Jennifer and Justin adopted the child - then everyone believed that it was no more than another gossip. However, now news repeat more serious publications - for example, in Touch Magazine, on the cover of the last number of which is bangible to the news that Jennifer has fallen a 6-month-old girl.

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Tera launched a 6-month-old girl 86814_1

Sources in Touch Magazine argue that initially on August 5th in the Eiston mansion in Bel-Air really was to take place a surprise party on the occasion of the 44th birthday of Justin Tera. However, shortly before the event, Jennifer reported that her application for adoption was finally approved - so instead of the birthday party, the lovers quickly organized a wedding, so that the fullest girls were officially married parents.

According to In Touch Magazine, "Jen announced adoption by several closest and" proven "friends. She told to friends that he had not yet seen the baby, but it was a few weeks before the wedding. " In addition, according to the source of the publication, Jennifer will bring a girl home for 6 weeks.

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