Jennifer Aniston and Justin Tera secretly got married on August 5


Many celebrities were in the list of guests - Howard Stern, Ellen Dedzheres, SIA, John Krasinski, Chelsea Handler, Colleague Jennifer on the series "Friends" Lisa Kudrou and others. Paparazzi managed to capture not only how the design of the wedding ceremony in the mansion of a stellar pair in Bel-Air - but even a wedding cake, the top of which was decorated with two figures. And under the sight of the chambers of the chamber, the priest with the Bible is included in the house.

Jennifer and Justin until the latter kept preparing for the wedding secret - a few days before the celebration on the territory of the mansion of the pair workers installed the awning under which it was hidden everything necessary for the wedding. And on Wednesday afternoon, the furniture was pulled out and placed in the backyard before visiting guests, building a wooden platform for celebrations. In addition, everyone who worked on the site of the stars all week confiscated mobile phones, and it was forbidden to park next to the mansion.

The sources of another authoritative publication, People, confirmed that Jennifer and Justin exchanged rings in the presence of more than 70 guests and family members last Wednesday.

An 46-year-old star of "Friends" Jennifer Aniston wound with a 43-year-old actor and producer Justin Tera in August 2012 - before that the Star Couple met for more than a year. In June Interviews People, Aniston with a laugh admitted that Justin is the best that happened to her for a decade.

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