Mark Zuckerberg will be the Father


"We have an amazing news with Priscilla," the 31-year-old Mark wrote. - We will have a daughter. It will become a new head of our life. We are already lucky to be able to touch the life of people around the world. Priscilla does this, being a doctor and a teacher, and I - with the help of this community and charitable activities. Now we will focus on making the world better for our child and a whole new generation. "

Zuckerberg also admitted that pregnancy became for them with a pricious real miracle. After all, the spouses had to survive three miscarriages. "We have already tried to start a child for a couple of years," wrote the future father. - And on this path through three miscarriages. You experience such hope when you know that you will have a child. Imagine who he will have, dream of his future. You start building plans, and then everything disappears. This is the experience of loneliness. Most people do not discuss miscarriage, because they are afraid to seem defective or fear that they are considered guilty of such an outcome. Therefore, it is necessary to fight on their own. "

Mark urged his subscribers to be bolder, openly talk about his problems and look for support from others.

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