Multicolored fur or natural color?


Natural natural color or modern dyeing? What is more preferably in a natural fur coat?

This question most often ask me buyers who like the fur coat made of painted fur. For many of them, it is obvious that natural natural color is great value, it is always fashionable and beautiful. But how to treat painted fur coat? Let's figure it out.

The price, for example, on the mink coat of natural natural color will always be higher. Judge for yourself, in order to choose the same color and hair skins of a fur zone will have to sort more than 500 skins. This is a big painstaking job.

The dyeing allows you to quickly give the integrity of the fur canvase, to achieve incredible colors, mimic exotic animals, for example, leopard. This is what writes in the article "Chemical Design Fur" Anna Cheshkova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology Fiber Materials FGBOU VPO Ivanovsky State Chemical Technology University, Member of the Expert Jury International Competitions "Fur Industrial Fashion":

- In the late 90s, the fur acquires a new appearance - it began to paint into a variety of fantasy colors. In recent years, painted fur has won half the world market and does not stop at this. Patterned dyeing used in the past to hide the vices today is designed to create new colors under the style and rhythm of the life of the urban city.

The conclusion is obvious: boldly choose the color of the fur product on the Novotorzhskaya fair, which decorates you.

In Sant-Petersburg, the Novotorzhskaya Fair will work from October 27 to October 31, 2015 in the "Oktyabrskaya" hotel (Ligovsky PR, 10/118) Specify the schedule on in other cities (https : //

Details - on the site Phone "Hot" line of the Novotorzhskaya Fair 8 (800) 100-63-92 (free call).

27 - 31 October 2015 , Tuesday - Saturday, Hotel "Oktyabrskaya" , from 10:00 to 20:00, cf. from 13:00 to 20:00, St. Petersburg, Ligovsky Ave., 10/118, Art. m. "Square of the uprising.

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