Season 7 "Vampire Diaries", 3 Series: We are discussing the Episode Events!


The 3 series called Age of Innocence begins with the next flash forward, whose action unfolds 3 years after the basic events in Mystic Falls. Stefan calls Tyler and asks him, whether he spoke with Caroline, and then reports that his scar was revealed again and he did not have much time. Stefan asks Tyler to warn Caroline. Stephen burns his car, having previously pick up her diary.

The action returns this day. Damon reports Alarik, who temporarily lives that, thanks to Donovan, their search plan and the exchange of heretic on Elena will soon be crowned with success. Bonnie comes to Alarik and asks him, right if he destroyed the Phoenix stone - since she had another vision. After checking the phone calls, Lily finds out that Damonu, Alarik and Bonnie need to go to Myrtle Beach.

Stefan is convened with Caroline and that asks him who, who, Valerie Toll, about which Stefan wrote in his diary. However, the call interrupts Valerie.

Lily meets with Stephen and tells him that she was asked to Stephan Valerie back in 1863. Flashback begins, in which we see, as Stephen and Valerie met. The action is returned at the present time, and Valerie asks Caroline, where she from her Diary of Stephen - she answers that he gave her Nora. Valerie declares that Stephen's first love was first.

In the next Flashbeke, Julian is shown - it turns out to be, together with Valerie Lily sent to follow Stephen. Julian convinced Valerie Lily that Stefan was happy and forgot about his mother. But at present, Lily in a conversation with Stefan finds out that it was not so.

Bonnie, Damon and Alaric find the missing heretic of Oscar, which turns out, knows Damon and in 1863 was sent Lily to find Damon. Found Oscar is trying to pull out bonnie disturbing her visions and understands that they are connected with Phoenix stone. He immobilizes the Trinity, takes the stone from Alarik and runs away.

Having come to himself, Bonnie finds out why Alaric did not destroy the stone and lied her. Meanwhile, in the next flashback, it turns out that Valerie was pregnant from Stephen in the past.

Damon finds the escaped Oscar and with the help of friends finally overcomes it.

Lily, touched by the fact that Stefan really loved her and did not forget, he lets Caroline.

Under the end of the Bonnie series and Alarick are preparing to revive Joe, and Damon calls Lily and invites her to make an exchange - Oscar on Elena. However, Valerie finds Oscar before Lily finds out his location, and he tells her what he knows where Julian is. Valerie kills Oscar, so that he did not give Lily, where Julian is.

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