Cepete desire Kim Kardashian - Lose weight after delivery


On October 21, Kim celebrated the 35th birthday. Star fans have poured her congratulations on the official website and social networks. And the birthday girl, in turn, told what she dreams of 35. "About a big family, the birth of a son and Tom to lose weight," wrote Kim.

However, until a realistic star takes care of the figure. In his Instagram, she published a photo of a luxurious festive cake and told how her day passed: "My husband never gets tired of surprising me. He rented a whole cinema so that we could watch "Steve Jobs" (this film Taaaak is good). He invited all my family and close friends, asking them to get dressed in the style of pregnant Kim Kardashian (overhead stomits were issued on arrival). I'm not sure that it helped me feel less huge, but I liked the idea so much. I spent time simply amazing. And I was very comfortable to argue with custard cakes in the company of other pregnant women. This is exactly what I needed is the perfect calm birthday with a lot of delicious food. "

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