Hollywood actors chose 100 best films of all time


In the voting Time Out, American and European actors took part in the voting (73 representatives of the film industry in total) - including Tom Bitman, Julietary Binosh, Joe Dempsey, Bill Heider, Selia Maki, Brie Larson, Anthony Maki, Killian Murphy, Andy Serkis, Michael Tires All of them compiled a list of their most beloved films, and on the basis of these lists, Time Out editors have formed a general rating of the film.

The list includes exactly 100 movies, and the top 10 looks like this:



"Woman is not in himself"

"New cinema" Paradiso ""

"To Kill a Mockingbird"

"Great Father 2"

"Annie Hall"

"Nights in the style of bugs"

"Red shoes"

"Taxi driver"

"Citizen Kane", headed by the most rating of the best films from film critics and BBC, in the list of favorite films Actors took only 39th place. And Tutsi, the best movie, according to actors and Time Out, did not at all come to the BBC rating at all - as well as the "night in the style of the boobies" and "kill the casting".

The list of favorite films of each of those who participated in the survey of actors (in alphabetical order) can be viewed here, the overall rating of the top 100 films according to Time Out - here.

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