Charlie Hannem spoke about the "painful" caring from "Fifty shades of gray"


"For me it was very, very painful, this whole process is extremely unpleasant," the actor about the transfer of Christian's role Jamie Dornan said. "It seemed to me that I summed up myself, led those people who had already loved and began to respect. For me it was a very unpleasant period in life. "

Representatives of Universal Pictures reported on Hannam's departure in October 2013. The cause of the care was the tight schedule of the actor - he could not take part in the filming of "fifty shades of gray", while removing the "sons of anarchy".

"For the first time in my life I had more work than time for her. In such a situation, it is very difficult to remain disciplined, "He admitted Hannem. However, in an EW interview, he admitted that over the past 2 years his views changed - and now he is ready to use his popularity every second. "In Hollywood, this can be seen constantly," he told. "While the sun shines, it is necessary to shoot a crop - as soon as someone becomes popular, he tries to use every second, and in the end, people just burn themselves. I started doing this. "

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