Season 11 "Supernatural", 2 series: discuss the events of the episode!


Dean takes Jenna with the baby Amara in her grandmother's house, where both the woman and the child will be safe. The girl has supernatural abilities, and Jenna's religious grandmother makes a decision to call an exorcist - and Jenna calls Dina and asks him to return and help her.

Dean returns to Granna's grandmother's house and discovers that the exorcist - Crowley, who explains Dina, which feels the presence of ancient darkness in a small child. Meanwhile, Jenna visits Amaru, and then inadvertently kills his grandmother.

Dean discovers that Amara has a label of Cain and, remembering his visions, understands that Amara is a darkness.

Dean and Crowley are sent in search of Jenna and, finding it, Crowley understands that she has no soul - Amara swallowed her soul. Dean and Jenna are struggling, and finally, Crowley kills her.

Crowley reveals that he intends to use Amara for his own goals, but Dean immobilizes him, and then discovers that Amara has already turned out of the baby in a graceful girl - disappeared. Later, Crowley finds Amaru and offers her "victims".

At the same time, two angels torture Castiel, but then Hannah is saved. Asking where the brothers Winchester is now, Castiel suddenly realizes that everything that happened is only a trick to pull out information from it. Two other angels are trying to penetrate his brain, but the smooth spells give Castiell of the Force to free themselves and to resist. Castiel kills two angels, but they manage to kill Hannah.

Sam in search of cure from infection meets the rebel who informs him that with old "entertainment" - death and resurrection - finish: the next time neither Sam nor Dean fall into hell, not to heaven, but will go straight into oblivion, Where it is already impossible to return. After a meeting with the reaper, thanks to his hut Sam still finds a solution in the Bible - cleansing fire. Using the Saint Fire, Sam is heal himself, and then saves people remaining in the city.

Having met each other again, Sam and Dean discover Castiel, who asks them for help.

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