The series "The Game of Thrones" won 24 nominations for the AMMI Prize


Together with the "Game of Thrones" the most popular in the television season 2014/2015 - if you judge the number of nominations - the series "American Horror History" (19), "What Olivia knows" (13), "Bessess" (12), "Madness" , "Obvious" and "card house" (11).

For the most prestigious AMMI award, the award "best dramatic TV series", the brainchild George R. Martin and HBO will fight the "card house", "madmen", "better call Soulu", as well as the series "Orange - Hit the Season" and "Dounton Abbey". It is worth noting that it is HBO, where for 5 years in a row "Game Thrones" has been going on a leader in the number of nominations - the entire HBO series was nominated to "Emmy" 126 times!

Surprisingly, but despite the phenomenal popularity of the Games of the Thrones, so far the series has not conquered any AMMI premium - although he regularly nominated since 2011. The only statue conquered Peter Dinklage for the best male role of the second plan (Tyrion Lannerber) - and then 4 years ago. How many Awards "Emmy" show the series "The Game of Thrones" will be able to conquer this time - we learn on September 20, during the awards ceremony in Los Angeles.

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