Australian Court accuses Amber Herd in animal smuggling


The Australian Court accuses Herd that she was twice illegally brought yorkshire terriers bu and pistol across the border, as well as in the fake of their veterinary documents.

Recall that in May of this year, the Australian Minister of Agriculture was extremely outraged by the appearance of dogs on the territory of his native state. Barnabi Joyce said that BU and pistol arrived in the country illegally, without the necessary documents and 10-day quarantine. He ordered Depp, who is busy in Australia on the set of a new part of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea, take animals back to the United States. Poor Peskov was trained on board the aircraft accompanied by a police convoy and sent to America.

"Something tells me that, thanks to some politicians, from now on, we will avoid visits to Australia by all our might, - Herd spoke in one of the recent interviews. "I don't know, probably, everyone strives for their 15 minutes of glory, including some government officials."

If the Australian Court recognizes the Ember guilty of smuggling animals, it faces up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $ 75,000.

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