In Cannes showed the first episode of new "secret materials"


To present its new creation in Cannes personally came Chris Carter, the creator of the original "secret materials". According to the Hollywood Reporter journalists, the audience was very warmly accepted the first episode, earned ovations. A separate surprise for the audience, which was lucky to see the first to see new "secret materials", began to open titers - Carter decided to maintain the first shots from the original X-Files, first broadcast on the last 1993.

According to the creator of "secret materials", the decision to preserve the titers was given to him simply - "We wanted to somehow change the original titers, but then they thought it looks like a sacrence. These titers opened 202 episodes - they deserve to open the following 6 ". By the way, it is these the most original opening titles, as reported by THR, they earned the loudest ovations of the audience.

"Secret Materials" will be returned to the screen in January 2016 after a 13-year break. The last time the audience could watch Mulder and Scully duet in the 2008 film. In the new "secret materials", Carter promised to affect the actual, modern topics - not only paranormal activity and aliens, but also a government listener, video surveillance for citizens, espionage and so on. The first episode of the new X-Files is at least by rumors - will be devoted to a large-scale conspiracy organized by some mysterious billionaire in search of alien technologies; To prevent him from Mulder and Scully.

The first official poster of the new season of the series:

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