Illness and death Zhanna Friske: what psychics say


Psychics about Zhanna Friske

It is hardly the first in Russia about Zhanna Friske's disease spoke Aida Martirosyan spoke - a hereditary fortune teller, an expert of the program "Invisible man" on the TV-3 channel. Interestingly, it happened in two years before the popular singers found brain cancer. Then Aid managed to see a "throat of dark energy" next to Zhanna. The fortune teller claimed that the disease Friske was supposedly "paying for sins", because the singer, having achieved success in show business, began to consider himself a "chosen" and watch the "ordinary mortals". However, Martirosyan in an interview with the publication "Interlocutor" in August 2014 stated that Zhanna "cleared" and now "she will be fine." The error of the fortune-up turned out to be a tragic - singer died less than a year after these words.

The causes of Zhanna's disease, according to the extrasens of Maxim Gordeev, lie in envy of loved ones. Immediately after the native Friske confirmed its diagnosis, the psychic stated that some of her loved ones was to blame for the disease - allegedly after the birth of Plato, the weakened organism Zhanna did not sentenced the evil. Gordeev, unlike other psychics, did not make positive predictions and immediately stated that there was practically no chance of the singer, and hopefully remains only for the strength of the Spirit.

Extrasens from Nizhny Novgorod Julia Sesorov connected to the discussion of the causes of Zhanna Friske's disease also after the diagnosis of singers was confirmed. Surprisingly, the extrasens made several predictions, which after came true - although it was mistaken in the main one, stating that Friske would be able to recover. "I see the road. Most likely, she will leave New York to other doctors, to another clinic. But only Jeanne itself can overcome the disease. If she comes his despondency, he will believe in himself, at the same time free himself completely from work and give the body to relax, then she has every chance to recover, "he stated Sesorov in January 2014, after the news about a terrible diagnosis. And indeed - Friske was treated not only in New York, but also in the clinics of Russia and China.

Psychics predicted the death of Zhanna Friske

Svetlana Proskuryakova, the participant of the "Battle of Psychosens", according to which the cause of the terrible disease and the death of the singer became the cause of the terrible disease and the death of the singer. "Oncology is damage, a disease of all public people," Persons say. It should be noted that earlier the same clairvoyant claimed that Friske could even live for a long time for a long diagnosis. The fact that Proskuryakova and other psychics were mistaken, it seems to be obvious, but Svetlana itself does not think so - after the death of Zhanna, she stated that her prediction was accurate, since two years of life for brain cancer are really "long."

According to the extrasensus Daria Mironova, the real cause of the death of Zhanna Friske was the decision of the singer to celebrate its 40th anniversary. "She died in 40 years. This is a very bad digit. This is such a severe date, a turning point, "said Mironov. The psychic claims that the 40th anniversary is so heavy date that it cannot be celebrated, and, deciding to celebrate the holiday, Friske brought the trouble. "She celebrated her 40th birthday, and he was not celebrated. Already then she knew that she would not be soon that it was her last birthday. It was a fatal mistake - the fact that she celebrated the anniversary. The percentage of what she survives was very small. But if she survived the frontier of 41, it would live long enough. She fought until the latter. Courageously. Zhanna tormented, suffered, her illness was eaten, "the psychic told.

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