American scientists: Smartphones destroy romantic relationships


In the first study, whose participants were 308 adults, people were asked to assess the 9 most common habits for smartphones - for example, how often the partner looks at his smartphone when communicating, how often the partner leaves his phone so as to see him, and so on.

In the second study, the participants of which were 145 adults in relations, scientists asked people to respond to the results of the first study. As a result, it turned out:

46.3% of the study participants reported that their partners are really constantly "chained" to their smartphones

22.6% reported that it causes conflicts in relationships

36.6% recognized that from time to time they feel signs of depression

Only 32% of respondents said they were satisfied with their romantic relationships.

"In everyday communication with loved ones, people often think that to distract themselves for a while on their mobile phone is nonsense," say the organizers of the study. "However, our results suggest that, the more time the pair" steals "a smartphone of one of the partners, the less likely that the second is pleased with the relationship."

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