What caused the death of Zhanna Friske: the opinion of doctors


Disease move

The fact that Jeanne Friske is sick to the inoperable brain cancer, it became known shortly after the singer gave birth to Plato's son - in early June 2013. The diagnosis was diagnosed with a cross on all hopes: glioblastoma, a non-cultural brain tumor. The first symptom was headaches, but the disease was rapidly progressed. Soon, Jeanne stopped appearing in public. In January 2014, the family and relatives in the statement on the official website of the singer confirmed that Jeanne is seriously ill. The diagnosis of singers confirmed the chief oncologist of the Russian Federation, Academician RAS and RAMN Mikhail Davydov. To live the singer, according to the forecasts of doctors, there was no more than a month.

At about the same time, Friske left for treatment in the United States - it passed the necessary procedures in the New York clinic Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. This was followed by rehabilitation in Latvia, another course of treatment in China, again the course in the American hospital (this time in Los Angeles) and, finally, treatment is already in Moscow, in the Russian oncological scientific center named after N. N. Blokhin. Although the latest drugs presented the Friske for almost 2 years of life, in recent months, doctors could not help the singer's doctors. The last three months before the death of Friske was in a coma, not coming into consciousness.

What caused cancer from Zhanna Friske

It was the reason for the occurrence of cancer in Friske, doctors began to argue in early 2014, when the singer's family confirmed its diagnosis - and continue to argue so far. One of the most popular versions for a long time, a version associated with the rejuvenation procedures that Jeanne allegedly passed. The procedures provided for the injection of stem cells in the spinal channel - and as a result of rejection by the body of "other people" tissues, the development of the tumor could well begin.

However, some representatives of medicine called and even more ridiculous versions - for example, that brain cancer is provoked by too long finding in the sun, in fact, solar radiation.

Could Eco cause illness?

After the funeral Zhanna Friske discussion of the causes of the oncological disease flashed with a new force. A number of experts in the field of medicine put forward a new version - according to the doctors, the cause of the brain cancer in Friske could be the ECO procedure (extracorporeal fertilization).

Noting the 30th anniversary, the singer began to dream of a child, but could not become pregnant for several years in a row. The ECO procedure after meeting with Dmitry Shepelev, his spouse, Jeanne passed several times - and doctors claim that it was she who could cause a malignant brain tumor.

Although Eco in medical practice is applied since 1978, the risks of this health procedure have not yet been studied. The procedure itself lies in the "external" fertilization of eggs, after which the resulting embryos are grown in a special incubator and only then transferred to the mother's uterus. Eco - a complex treatment method, which provides for the constant reception of hormonal drugs for stimulating ovulation and subsequent pregnancy.

It is due to the fact that the treatment of Eco method is associated with a permanent method of hormonal drugs, it violates the natural hormonal background of women - and can provoke many health problems. In the rarest cases, indeed, these diseases can threaten not only health, but also a person's life - as, apparently, happened to Zhanna Friske.

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