Emma Stone in the WSJ magazine. July / August 2015


That after hacking Sony Pictures files her phone and email address : "Then I made the most terrible thing in the world, which I very quickly regretted. I was just shocked when I started getting a bunch of letters from people who did not even know. "Hi, I'm Joe from the UK. I like your films. " I was so stunned that I went into my box and simply deleted all the letters. For 30 seconds: I just pressed "allocate everything" and "Delete forever". And thousands of letters over the past six years have disappeared forever. I was so shocked by the fact that there were foreign people there ... it was terrible. I roared the whole hour. With most people, about the loss of whose letters I am sorry, I still support the connection. I can return everything. But some people are no longer in my life. And this is really lousy. "

About panic attacks: "It was terrible. For the first time I experienced a panic attack when you were visiting friends. It suddenly seemed to me that the house was caught fire. I called my mother, and she took me home. Following three years, these sensations did not stop. I could ask my mother about whether it would be a good day, and after 30 seconds to repeat your question. I just needed to constantly know that no one would die and nothing bad would happen. "

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