Evgeny Tsyganov left his wife and seven children for the sake of the actress Yulia Snigir


Lovers carefully hide their relationships and appear in public or in proud loneliness, or in the company of friends. However, the novel of the couple lasts, according to rumors, for several months.

For the first time, information about the fact that the marriage of Evgeny Tsyganova is on the verge of decay, appeared in early August - however, the actor colleagues hurried to disprove these rumors, assuring the media that the disorder in the family of Eugene and Irina is temporary. However, even the birth of the seventh child - the daughter of faith - did not help return the relationship of spouses to the previous rails, and Gypsies finally left the family, even without having met his wife from the hospital.

Currently, Eugene's wife alone brings up seven children, using the help of the parents of the actor - Eduard Evgenievich and love of Viktorovna. Gypsy himself, leaving the family, does not even appear at home. It is worth noting that the long-term scaffolding process, such a characteristic of the stars of show business, does not threaten Tsyganov - with Irina he lived in a civil marriage since 2005 and officially did not form a relationship.

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