Fashionable women's hats autumn-winter 2015-2016: photo


Classic knitted hats

In the trend: the knitwear of the high quality of calm neutral tones (beige, dairy and coffee shades), a smooth cloth of a unique form, a complete refusal of drawing, textures and other patterns.

Fashionable women's hats autumn-winter 2015-2016: photo 87990_1

The main "chip" of simple knitted hats in the collections of the autumn-winter 2015-2016 season - all sorts of small decorative details: small bows of contrasting colors, or large shiny brooches located on the back of the caps, easy assembly is possible.

What to wear: perfectly fit to any style of outerwear: from a strict coat to a daily raincoat.

Recommendations for the choice: will undoubtedly suit the owners of the perfect shape of the head. Caps with inscriptions and designer logos are no longer relevant.

Fashionable Berets Autumn-Winter 2015-2016

In trend: Berets from cashmere, coarse wool, or dense knitted loose shades.

Fashionable women's hats autumn-winter 2015-2016: photo 87990_2

"Chip": It is how to wear - knitted berets should freely hide, partially covering the neck. Lighter berets will carry this season slightly shifted aside.

What to wear: gloves or mitts in the kit - a good choice for anyone takes.

Fashionable women's hats autumn-winter 2015-2016: photo 87990_3

Recommendations for the choice: the optimal output option for any event will consist of beret, gloves and kelly bags, ideally selected in the tone.

Fashionable knitted hats autumn-winter 2015-2016

In trend: a large knitted cap of the free shape of bright tones (deep blue, chocolate, emerald) of woolen or x / b threads.

Fashionable women's hats autumn-winter 2015-2016: photo 87990_4

"Fishka": Hit caps - the texture of her mating. Relief "pigtails", "braid", "bumps" than the volume, the better.

What to wear: Excellent if a long scarf of a large mating in tone is selected in the kit, either the scene.

Fashionable women's hats autumn-winter 2015-2016: photo 87990_5

Recommendations for the choice: the most successfully such caps are wearing loose hair.

Fashionable Fur Haps Autumn-Winter 2015-2016

In trend: bizarre shapes of headwear made of fur. Fur Keps, hoods, even headwear in the shape of a helmet will be fashionable.

Fashionable women's hats autumn-winter 2015-2016: photo 87990_6

"Fishka": a rule of design - the more unusual form, the most relevant the product.

What to wear: free choice.

Fashionable women's hats autumn-winter 2015-2016: photo 87990_7

Recommendations for the choice: to emphasize it is desirable either on the shape of a hat, or on the quality of fur. It is not necessary to make a choice in favor of the cap of the complex shape with fur, overloaded parts and color.

The second is a very popular version of winter women's headwear from the fur in the winter 2015-2016 - a classic hat-tank with long-circular fur forms.

Fashionable women's hats autumn-winter 2015-2016: photo 87990_8

"Fishka": bright "screaming" colors (saturated shades of warm tones), options with knitted inserts more than original this season.

What to wear: classic option - fur coat, or fur coat.

Recommendations for the selection: Of course, artificial fur products are relevant, but designers preference remains the same - noble natural fur.

Other models of female hats, relevant in the fall season 2015-2016:


In the trend: long-forgotten caps with pompons of bright colors and complex texture.

"Fishka": well, if the shape of the cap itself is cone-shaped, and Pompon at the end will freely hang on the side or behind.

What to wear: in a set with a scarf, at the ends of which are similar in color of the pumps.

Recommendations for the choice: Pompon's hat will add frivolity and simplicity in the stylish binding of any fashionista.

Style "Turban".

In the trend: hats-turbans of complex mating from thin and thick knitwear of calm tones.

"Fishka": especially relevant knitted hats of large mating light shades.

What to wear: will be perfect in a pair with fur coat, or a coat of any form.

Recommendations for the choice: the style of the Türban caps will give subtleties to the facial features and will give a bright focus on her possessor.

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