Demi Moore told how a quarantine with Bruce Willis and his children


Hollywood actress shared with his girlfriend Naomi Campbell with his thoughts about quarantine and restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic in the country. The fact that Quarantine has become for her "Bent", 58-year-old Moore informed the subscribers of the YouTube channel model "with Naomi without filters". Demi reported that she spent the very beginning of Quarantine in a country house in Idaho, along with his ex-husband Bruce Willis and their three daughters - Rummer, Talullah and scout, as well as two daughters of Willis from the second marriage with Emma Hemming.

"A pandemic brought us a lot of grief and sadness, however, a lot of intimidate moments," Moore admitted Moore Naomi Campbell. - I appreciate the fact that the universe gave me a unique opportunity to hurry anywhere and sustaining the time we spend next to their loved ones. It so happened that Bruce with his wife and children joined us, and we were kotal evenings with a big friendly family. "

The star of the film "Ghost" is very valuable by these moments and calls them a luxury that would never have happened to them if it were not for the epidemic. "It was a real blessing of God, which allowed us to re-revise the relation to each other, rethink everything that was missed and lost. It was an amazing experience, "the actress noted. She was pleased that her three adult daughters had a unique chance to learn better and love his younger sisters.

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